Equine Knocks and Argyle Socks
a large square was built by someone. they sat it on the ground and then i moved all my stuff inside. fall's crisp air skipped lightly across my skin in my imagination as i sat in front of the computer and thought about how not to fool myself. i feel like i'm pretty honest with me about me. i'm not one of these people that think that they are just so goddamn enchanting and mystical. don't mistake me: i love enchantment and mysticism- but this only makes me one of many. i'm like a nickel and so are you. so there.
bushes and cigarettes and boys and girls
amber is childish
and likes her peas whirled
i want to assign layers to my flesh and name them- rather like scientists do with the atmosphere and the planets and whatnot. remember the scientists? i definitely have a core and an outer crust. these two seem completely incompatable.
i want to purchase yards upon yards of soft fabrics and roll myself up in them like an autumnal tamale on a sacrificial plate, yielding myself up to the equinox. equinox sounds like it should be the mother of all horse steriods.
i've been good lately. i mean, i have acted reasonably well and tried to work on generating compassion. when i'm not compassionate, i'm jealous. prozac makes me want to kill people.
i feel like my blog just flew off the crazy cliff. whoopsy daisy. using invisible footholds in the air, it will wander gently and purposefully down to the ground and then it will most likely hunt something down obsessively and kill it.
bushes and cigarettes and boys and girls
amber is childish
and likes her peas whirled
i want to assign layers to my flesh and name them- rather like scientists do with the atmosphere and the planets and whatnot. remember the scientists? i definitely have a core and an outer crust. these two seem completely incompatable.
i want to purchase yards upon yards of soft fabrics and roll myself up in them like an autumnal tamale on a sacrificial plate, yielding myself up to the equinox. equinox sounds like it should be the mother of all horse steriods.
i've been good lately. i mean, i have acted reasonably well and tried to work on generating compassion. when i'm not compassionate, i'm jealous. prozac makes me want to kill people.
i feel like my blog just flew off the crazy cliff. whoopsy daisy. using invisible footholds in the air, it will wander gently and purposefully down to the ground and then it will most likely hunt something down obsessively and kill it.
I could be dying.
I have all the symptoms of appendecitus, but it is on the wrong side of my body for that.
I was really disappointed to find out it wasn't appendecitus; that would have been a perfectly reasonable way to die, with no responsibility for it thrown at my feet, and it's so much cleaner than stabbing yourself in the head with a knife. I was sort of surprised to find myself so disappointed, because I don't feel suicidal but maybe I am just bored.
I have ruled out all the benign things it could be, and most of the fatal ones, so it is probably something chronic which will dramatically increase the misery of my existence. Colitis, kidney stones, bad gallbladder, irritable bowel syndrome...the list is endless.
What do you have to be jellus of? Probably less than you think; so often once you have consumed whatever it was you thought you wanted you find it was only because you couldn't have it. Well, so I hear. Some people are that way like N, but you don't strike me as that type.
My criss-cross murder offer is still valid, for a limited time only; I am starting to think merely murdering her will not be enough punishment for all her sins against me. I am not a vindictive god, er, person - usually if I don't fly into a rage(which is rare but quite exciting) out of hand I never give something another thought, but I do have a sense of justice.
My lawyers assure me that they can make her miserable for the next ten years, so maybe I have some excitement to make it worth living through the chronic agony that has been developing the last week or so. On the bright side, it only hurts when I move out of a lying down position, which is rare, or try to breathe, which is something I have been trying to cut back on anyhow.
i want to purchase yards upon yards of soft fabrics and roll myself up in them like an autumnal tamale on a sacrificial plate
I really like that sentence...well fragment of that sentence.
glitzy- aww shucks.
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If you're using Firefox you may be having problems clicking on links period. Mister Underhill was having that problem and I don't think he evr resolved it.
You're not a moron. I'm guessing it may be a Firefox issue.
I liked to read that. Very interesting. Byron
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