none implied, none intended
i guess i just decided to fall off the face of the blearth.
i never cease to be amazed by the inconsistancies of life and love and every person i've ever known. i feel like this really old rock that sits there and is too heavy to move. people come and go and sit on the rock and enjoy it for the temorary purpose it serves them and then they leave. i can't leave because rocks don't have legs. that, in a nutshell, is my problem. i never bought that paul simon crap about rocks feeling no pain. rocks seem to embody pain, with the basic exception that they appear to be not sentient. maybe they seem pained because they are so old. they wear down with age. i wear down with age. solomon is gone to a Photoshop class. he is having a difficult week. he misses masumi. i miss curtis.
curtis moved into his new apartment this past week. it's big and nice and he has it neatly arranged.
i lost my wallet somewhere between the moon and new york city. let "the moon"= philadelphia.
what has everyone else been up to?
i'm sorry for being remiss.
the merriam webster word of the day today was "ninja". those mw people crack me right up sometimes. today, rosemarie used the word loquacious and reminded me that we haven't had a word of the day email sent out at work in a long time. i used to send one out daily to subscribing coworkers. the word of the day was usually designed to be used in respectfully insulting irritating but mentally unsuspecting clients. if you don't look at the last part of that last sentence just right, it appears to be a jumbled up mess of too many modifying type words.
i hope all is well and progressive on the planet mars and the planet sweden. i've decided to give jeanne her own planet. i think she would be a just and fair planetary ruler. as for me, i will form a nation and call it stag.
i never cease to be amazed by the inconsistancies of life and love and every person i've ever known. i feel like this really old rock that sits there and is too heavy to move. people come and go and sit on the rock and enjoy it for the temorary purpose it serves them and then they leave. i can't leave because rocks don't have legs. that, in a nutshell, is my problem. i never bought that paul simon crap about rocks feeling no pain. rocks seem to embody pain, with the basic exception that they appear to be not sentient. maybe they seem pained because they are so old. they wear down with age. i wear down with age. solomon is gone to a Photoshop class. he is having a difficult week. he misses masumi. i miss curtis.
curtis moved into his new apartment this past week. it's big and nice and he has it neatly arranged.
i lost my wallet somewhere between the moon and new york city. let "the moon"= philadelphia.
what has everyone else been up to?
i'm sorry for being remiss.
the merriam webster word of the day today was "ninja". those mw people crack me right up sometimes. today, rosemarie used the word loquacious and reminded me that we haven't had a word of the day email sent out at work in a long time. i used to send one out daily to subscribing coworkers. the word of the day was usually designed to be used in respectfully insulting irritating but mentally unsuspecting clients. if you don't look at the last part of that last sentence just right, it appears to be a jumbled up mess of too many modifying type words.
i hope all is well and progressive on the planet mars and the planet sweden. i've decided to give jeanne her own planet. i think she would be a just and fair planetary ruler. as for me, i will form a nation and call it stag.
I have been remiss in e-mail writing, and have lost all planetary privilages.
Benevolent dictatorship is the back-up plan of all philosophically correct anarchists. I will stick to my number one plan a while longer. I am feeling optimistic.
The trick with rocks is to figure out which ones are actually sharing the same space. Then no moving is required.
It is a good day that begins with an amber glow.
Rocks feel no pain because they are stoned all the time.
I was always good at that king of the mountain game as a kid. I guess I am probably just too disillusioned and jaded to do very well these days, though. Yet not enough yet to become truly evil and not care. Like your typical teenager, except it's sort of sad when you are in your thirties.
I am still in blogland, btw, but I changed my url to
you certainly had legs when you up and left your marriage and hurt about a million people in the process. you need all your mind-altering drugs and yummy food that makes you fat because if you stop you will feel so crappy you won't know what to do. poor amber...
jasmine? that's my guess.
whose said anything about mind-altering drugs and fatty foods? so, instead, here is a paraphrased version of that anon. comment.
"hey. i don't know anything about your life really or about the people in the involved marriages- i don't even know who all cheated on who and when, but i'm a self-righteous arrogant asshole. but i am a christian and i hope you get fat and become miserable because i don't like you anymore and i hope god kills you. hey...i think i'll go preach to people and pretend like i care about peoples actual lives."
what a hypocrite.
ps: i am not fat. my tits and ass look awesome with a little extra weight on. and i feel more honest than i ever have in my life.since you know me so well, you may remember that i get super skinny when discontent and miserable.
your comment was stupid and you are too. hee hee.
thanks for making me feel like i was in elementary school again, tossing jealous insults. ( i actually never did that in school, but it amuses me to the brunt of them as an adult.) heh. you shut up, i throw up and yer mama licks it up.
man. this has been quite a nonsequiter response.
rebuttal, i say! rebuttal!
Unless there are children involved, there are exactly two people who can get "hurt" by the splitting up of a marriage, and exactly one person (apart from themselves) for each of those two people to take into consideration.
What a letter to put on someone's blog. Was that the first stone?
jeanne, you are very sweet to me. part of me felt bad for writing such a smart-alecky response to the anonymous meany. your response was much more level-headed and compassionate. those Jehovah's Witnesses certainly do enjoy a good punch below the belt as long as they think they are safe in anonymity. they would never speak to me in person because i am disfellowshipped, but calling me fat (which i am not and i fancy myself an expert on fatness; my father was a big fat hater) anonymously on a blog must be okay in God's eyes even if saying hello to me on the street isn't.
in a strange and perhaps meaningful twist of fate, the merriam webster word of the day is calumny.
jeanne, can i come visit you? i will cook you a fancy southern dinner and we can get fat and happy together.
You and whomever you love are always welcome here. But I am quite round enough already.
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