Thursday, March 03, 2005

Dryer Sheets

I childishly clung to a vision of goodness. I guess I thought it softened the load of life.
As far as softeners of the fabric (of the space time continuum) go, Snuggle reigns as king. I presently hold that to be a symbolic universal axiom. If everyone snuggled, I think many problems would be solved. Take, for example, jihads. You would feel kind of silly declaring (do you actually declare jihad, or is the enemy just supposed to 'know'?) jihad against someone you just snuggled with, wouldn't you? I think snuggling would move people to shame in a variety of helpful arenas. Body odor and it's cousin, perspiration, would be effectively eliminated. Who wants to snuggle with a sweaty person? People who sweat should feel ashamed. The only draw-back I can see to this, is that it might encourage obesity or generate a softening in our attitude toward it. People might start to like snuggling with soft pillows of fat. There are still a few kinks that need to be worked out, I suppose.


Blogger Jeanne said...

This could be dificult. I like sweat, at least before it has been around too long. I hate deoderant, because it makes me not be able to breathe. Can't some of us virtually snuggle? I'm finding this quite cozy already.

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe jihads would just be periods of time without deodorant???

7:53 PM  
Blogger brendar said...

I sweat like nobodies business. I could break into a sweat by unwrapping a stick of gum. I buy antiperspirant buy the truck-load. I can't stand deodorant. You still get all sweaty but it smells different.

4:32 PM  

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