Saturday, February 19, 2005

Time spent... acts of unprecedented kindness toward my ovaries is time well spent and guaranteed not to go unnoticed. I was ready to drive a knife deep into the hearts of those useless, little suckers when my gay coworker appeared beside me like the shadow of the hint of an effeminate ghost. He then performed the said act of kindness toward my ill-mannered ovaries and all those evil, dormant little eggs inside me suddenly felt something like a ray of sunshine do something that I imagine is not very similar at all to darkening their door, but seems akin to as as far as idioms go. At that moment, those little eggs became seeds of hope- hopes of similar acts of kindness that may be taken on their behalf during future and hopefully less gut-wrenching menstrual cycles. Thank you Max Denler.
PS. I wish that all the brainless ninnies that keep hounding me about teaching them to learn how to knit or crochet would go out and learn how to comprehend diagrams of poorly drawn fingers and yarn like the rest of us. I feel like closing my eyes and touching their hands and saying, "There. Now you can knit." No doubt, they would say, "Really?". And my natural response would be, "No, dammit! Now go buy yourself a book and learn how to teach yourself something for a change!" People just expect arts and crafts to be delivered up to them on silver platters. And they smile like they deserve a reward for wanting to learn something just enough to exert no actual effort on their own parts. It's like they are saying, "I want to learn. Here! You do it."
Man...those evil, evil ovaries.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of act of kindness did he perform?

I am sorry your ovaries are acting up. If I could I would remove them for you. Cheesy girl caviar would have to be a delicacy cutting off your pinky finger for.

Sounds like you are the yoda of knitting. "I just don't believe it, cheesy girl!" "And that, is why you fail."

6:45 PM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

Do you have three ovaries, and have posted this one time for each of them? No? Perhaps it was a miracle, and blogger was blessed by your choice to potentially procreate, and had triplets. You might want to contact the Catholic Church.

One of these days you're going to think I'm lying to you. I'm not. I went to family planning when I was about 24 and said I wanted to be sterilized. I never wanted to be responsible for putting a human being through the agony that I considered life to be. She told me that she would do it, but not without a waiting period in case I changed my mind. I never got around to going back, but instead travelled to Sweden as an exchange student, met Johan, and.......
You never know what the future has up its sleeve. You probably don't know what you have up your own sleeve. I certainly didn't. Keep all doors open! Prevail! Look both ways before crossing! Curtsey while you're thinking what to say!

That was unoriginal humour, inspired by a computer game called Zork Inquisitor. But it seemed to fit in. Now that I've mentioned them, I don't have to worry about being sued.

4:53 AM  
Blogger la fille du fromage said...

hmmm..that was an unintentionally fertile post. i was giving me trouble when i was in labor with it....i didn't realize i had triplets till you told me!
i am short on time, but I really want to hear more about this hilarious sterilization request.

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just my manly presence in the blogosphere; in the analog world, I can get a woman pregnant just by looking at her, I have so much testosterone.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Glitzy said...

Salut fille des ovaires mé can direct those brainless ninnies to ..this site . That's how I'm learning to knit..well this site and the Art of Knitting dvd and Vogue's quick reference book! Hope you feel better soon

12:03 PM  
Blogger liljazz said...

Ahhh to be left handed!! That is my reason for not being able to teach anyone to knit or crochet. If I can learn from a book written only for righties and then reverse everything to make sense to me, then I think anyone else can learn from a book too.

12:07 PM  
Blogger liljazz said...

Ahhh to be left handed!! That is my reason for not being able to teach anyone to knit or crochet. If I can learn from a book written only for righties and then reverse everything to make sense to me, then I think anyone else can learn from a book too.

12:07 PM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

liljazz x2, 2? Spooky.

1:23 PM  

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