Monday, September 26, 2005

Current Mood: Female

My ovaries are growing a robotic exoskeleton bent on bloodshed. Jutting spikes and synthesized venom inside needlelike metal shards pepper the armor creeping across said ovaries.
They are alien to me and my brain pleads with my body for a destructive intervention. They must be removed.
Lionhearted volunteers wanted.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Equine Knocks and Argyle Socks

a large square was built by someone. they sat it on the ground and then i moved all my stuff inside. fall's crisp air skipped lightly across my skin in my imagination as i sat in front of the computer and thought about how not to fool myself. i feel like i'm pretty honest with me about me. i'm not one of these people that think that they are just so goddamn enchanting and mystical. don't mistake me: i love enchantment and mysticism- but this only makes me one of many. i'm like a nickel and so are you. so there.
bushes and cigarettes and boys and girls
amber is childish
and likes her peas whirled
i want to assign layers to my flesh and name them- rather like scientists do with the atmosphere and the planets and whatnot. remember the scientists? i definitely have a core and an outer crust. these two seem completely incompatable.
i want to purchase yards upon yards of soft fabrics and roll myself up in them like an autumnal tamale on a sacrificial plate, yielding myself up to the equinox. equinox sounds like it should be the mother of all horse steriods.
i've been good lately. i mean, i have acted reasonably well and tried to work on generating compassion. when i'm not compassionate, i'm jealous. prozac makes me want to kill people.
i feel like my blog just flew off the crazy cliff. whoopsy daisy. using invisible footholds in the air, it will wander gently and purposefully down to the ground and then it will most likely hunt something down obsessively and kill it.

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