Monday, August 14, 2006

Welcome, Kittens

Tiny, grey and blind, Mother Maria welcomed three small wonders (remember that old television show about the robot girl?) into the world of our apartment sometime early Saturday morning. This is her first litter, borne of unwholesome gallivanting unsanctioned by her owners, who were either worried sick or gleefully indifferent for the three or four fantastic stink-free days that she was out seeking tomcat suitors in lieu of leaving her spectacularly malodorous hourly craps in her Igloo-shaped kitty toillette. BUT, she seems to have taken to motherhood like a duck to water. We are ever so happy to welcome the tiny little creatures into the world.
She's a haughty, Hollywood type, though, and prefers to keep her babies identities private. No pictures. She'll introduce them to the public when she's ready. I personally think Tom Cruise is the father.


Blogger brendar said...

Pictures please!

6:52 AM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

Hear, hear!

My cat always woke me and insisted on midwifery.

4:55 AM  

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