Saturday, January 22, 2005

Doo-Doo Retreats and Dirty Little Secrets

I talk to a lot of people everyday and to my great surprise, a lot of them actually seem to enjoy talking to me. Or at the very least, despise it enough to tell me gross things. I recently had a very nice man describe to me (in a public place, mind you) a recent trip he took that I can only refer to as a doo-doo retreat. He is in his fifties, I would say, and trying to turn over a new leaf in the health department. Apparently turning over new leaves in ones life involves a hearty amount of colon flushing. Being the rabid fecalphiliac that I am, I was chomping at the bit to hear the details. So he proceeded to tell me that he spent thousands of dollars to gently place a hose up his own rectum. The hose releases water, preferably warm water, says he, that flushes out your large intestine. Now I for one would give my right eye for the clean feeling that I'm sure only flushed out intestines can give you. Two or three thousand dollars to insert the hose up my own ass? I don't think so. That kind of cash means that someone else should be doing the dirty work here. Strange. We consider cleaning toilets to be the most hideous of cliched hideous jobs, but we'll pay a couple grand to have the exquisite pleasure of sparkling clean intestines. I don't want waste matter sticking to the walls of my intestines and gradually poisoning my body. Do you? I bet you really feel high and mighty after that sort of operation. (Once you get over the shame, naturally.) But I guess part of the two thousand dollars is so that you CAN insert the hose yourself. You see, the beauty of this whole doo-doo retreat set up is this: I'm not exactly sure what your paying for. That sounds like capitalism at it's finest! I would open up a colon cleansing business here in Rochester, but from what I gather, that sort of thing is best done on an exotic island.
I would like to introduce a new feature to this blog entitled:
What the Statistics Show
You may sort of consider this the first installment. The other night I had a splitting headache and I was talking to my friend Tesia, who lives in Arizona. I said that I supposed my head probably wouldn't explode, judging from past experience with divers and sundry headaches. She said, yes, that the statistics showed that it was unlikely that my head would explode. We also discussed what was keeping me here in Rochester. She said quite platonically that I could come stay with her- that she had a large bed. We decided that the statistics also showed that there was no reason for me to stay here...
I like the statistics. I for one feel that they are a pretty encouraging lot. Nice to know you've got numbers on your side against such things as exploding heads.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Two or three thousand dollars to insert the hose up my own ass? I don't think so."

I agree wholeheartedly. Why, you can rent a donkey for 50 dollars an hour, squirt a honey bottle up your butt, and have the exquisite pleasure of a foot long donkey tongue cleansing you instead. All this at a mere fraction of the price.

The best way to combat headaches is lots and lots of water. I drink a ridiculous amount of water, and I never even get hangovers when I drink. Sex and chocolate help too.

I too, have a large bed little miss fast hands, he added, not so platonically.

4:48 PM  
Blogger la fille du fromage said...

hey, hey. blogging is an above board business, mister underpants.
great donkey tongue imagery, by the way!

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All in all, I think I like the gynecological post better.

We have gone from the cute vaginas of beatiful women to the gross asses of old men.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

I am left wondering what your past experience with divers is, exactly, and how it has bearing on your headaches. Has a diver kicked you in the head? Subjected you to oxygen deprivation by not checking your tubes thoroughly? Talked too much without taking his/her mask off? Is this why you want to leave the great lakes area? I imagine there are not many divers in Arizona. I hope you take your blog with you. We will be lonely.

2:49 AM  
Blogger la fille du fromage said...

jeanne, that was quite possibly the most hilarious comment anyone has left me yet! it made me chuckle audibly. thanks! not too many divers here either. although, once a year in the freezing cold there is some kind of annual stupidity contest wherein people run out into lake ontario in the freezing cold to prove that that sort of thing is not a good idea and shouldn't be done.

8:53 AM  
Blogger la fille du fromage said...

who said i wouldn't share a bed with you, hargishead? was it mister underhill?

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could all sleep comfortably in my bed. It is very large, I assure you.

2:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheesy girl will be between us as a buffer zone, so my pervy hands don't get up to things while I am asleep and can't police them.

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could go for a cheese sandwich about now ;)

1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might have a heart attack and die, but I would certainly enjoy dying that way.

2:58 PM  

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