Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Proof is in the God Pudding

i was just showering and wondering if god pudding really would contain proof. some say that proof and faith cannot coexist and i think that is stupid and riduculous. however, the idea that proof and belief go hand in hand is misleading as well. two people can take the same happening or thing and view it as proof of entirely different things. it's all so subjective. it's like the chicken and the egg. do people believe what has been proven to them and prove whatever they believe? naturally, it is an annoying cocktail of both. one definition of proof is as follows:
3 : something that induces certainty or establishes validity
(that was the third definition. hee hee)
anyway. it's a lie. i submit that the word should be removed from language as it is rather pointless. math, on the other hand- you've really got something there. noone denies that 2 and 2 are 4. you'd be a fool! i love numbers.
if the bible were written in numerica, would it be universally incontrovertable?


Blogger Greg Garvin said...

What a great post. You are right on top of something. I suspect that God gives us exactly enough evidence to know he's there, but not enough to "prove" it. We have heard, "For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible." Hmmmm. I don't think that's just it either.

7:50 PM  
Blogger brendar said...

I think that it take a lot of faith to eat pudding...atleast the first time that you do it. After that it is not so much the case. I would compare God Pudding to figgy pudding; I sing about it every year but I've yet to taste it! God wants us to come and eat and we say that we do but it usually is just a bunch of song (and dance). Did you know that Haggis is considered pudding? Would you eat Blood pudding? Eat my body and drink my blood indeed!

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over here in Sweden, blood pudding is a regular on the menu. 2,4,6,8, eat that pudding on your plate. Something I have not as yet proved myself capable of.

1:05 PM  
Blogger brendar said...

I give you Haggis!!!

7:51 PM  
Blogger la fille du fromage said...

thank you, martians. and jeanne. hey jeanne- what are you doing in sweden? how long have you been there? why don't you start a blog already so we can learn more about you? huh? huh? huh? anyway. i haven't had haggis? i'm scared of it. and i don't eat meat. except bacon, when i'm weak- because bacon is so darn good and there aren't really millions of pigs grazing the land and destroying topsoil and exaccerbating flooding issues and the like. the free spirit commenter annoyed me and that's a fact. oh well. i felt like the first sentence showed rather agressively poor sentence structure and i just got more annoyed from there. i am, however, sorely premature in my opinions of others occasionally.

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am verily on the verge, but I vish I vasn't so sad so I vouldn't frighten visitors avay. No, now I sound more like a nazi than a swede. Seriously, I'm not happy enough right now to enbark on a new venture or adventure of such virtual weight. Hopefully things will lighten up soon. Until then I will continue to swoop down and avail myself of other's spaces where I'm welcome.

Sweden? Came student, met swede, stayed.


2:42 PM  
Blogger la fille du fromage said...

dear jeanne,
i am no stranger to sadness. i hope your sadness has not not come about from the said swede that was met. i hope your situation is alleviated soon. i've never been to sweden. i tell you what- if need a place in rochester, you can stay at mine. hee hee. like i'll ever have the money to visit sweden. regardless of whether i ever do, you are certainly welcome to visit the frozen north if you like. as long as you aren't a psychopath using the casual internet name "jeanne" to seduce unwitting bloggers. and believe you me, i couldn't be less witting.

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From one galactian to another, I appreciate your offer, and recipricate it, however virtual it may be.
My sadness is the proverbial black hole of disillusionment. Nothing to do with Johan. Hope dawns eternal, but the clock seems to have wound down 'round midnight this time. Ich brauche ein urlaub. That's the German-dubbed line from.......?

6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope springs eternal, but mine's wearing lead-filled snowshoes.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree.

The problem in science is that there are no absolutes, and few people seem to see this. Everything hinges on basic premises, which themselves are always questionable.

The only true wisdom, as socrates put it, is knowing that we know nothing.

PS are you French? Last year I had meant to study French a lot...I did a little but not nearly as much as I meant to.

10:52 PM  

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