Holy Crap! Visit This Website Immediately
I'm serious. It makes me want to crap my pants.
Please. Does everyone else already know about this site? If so, why didn't someone tell me sooner!?
Please. Does everyone else already know about this site? If so, why didn't someone tell me sooner!?
This was almost as good as viewmaster.
In Taco Bell one day, Smith claims, his burrito suddenly burst into flames and the voice of God boomed out that he needed to illustrate the Bible entirely out of LEGOs. "But I'm an atheist," Smith objected. --sweet!
Amazon has the book for about 10 dollars
My favorite one is Monty Python And The Holy Grail...done in legos!
they do the whole camelot song with lego men. Floating around on the web somewheres....
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