it's all the shame to me
ja. que hora es? holy cow. sam and curtis are playing away and the jagermeister is about offed. i'm developing a taste for the juice. poor neighbor. she hates the music. she likes hot pink and hates the tomatoes i offered her. people that reject perfectly good tomatoes (pommes d'amour) are wack, yo. i want to start a website where i can REALLY say what i want. dammit. there are always limitations and proprieties of SOME sort. i'm sorry that i haven't made my blog interesting yet. i promise i will soon. i will upload stuffs and be creative and blow y'alls niggaz minds, yo. c'est vrai. ne merde pas! ha!man. sorry.
i'm just developing a taste for blood. i've never had one before. it's thrilling.
i sometimes check to see when people view my website and i wonder if the hours are off. for two nights now it has said that someone looked at it between 4 and 5 a.m. can this possibly be correct? i doubt it. my website is the anti-website. it does not exist. nothing exists in cyberspace anyway. if anyone has any ideas of whether time is possibly as tangible as light, please let me know. please remember the pudding where the proof is, as well.
ps: where is shishini? i left her a messgae tonight.
i'm just developing a taste for blood. i've never had one before. it's thrilling.
i sometimes check to see when people view my website and i wonder if the hours are off. for two nights now it has said that someone looked at it between 4 and 5 a.m. can this possibly be correct? i doubt it. my website is the anti-website. it does not exist. nothing exists in cyberspace anyway. if anyone has any ideas of whether time is possibly as tangible as light, please let me know. please remember the pudding where the proof is, as well.
ps: where is shishini? i left her a messgae tonight.
(ipsedixit) ...
Can't remember my password ... so sorry about the anon post. Not Swiss geographically, only fromaginally. I don't speak French, I only listen to it with fondness. Btw, someone stole my last blog. Was it you? How would someone do that??
AHA! So you used your magical powers ... twice! And you admit so! You rundoff with my 10/15 blog, and now I see you delete comments! A witch, are you?
Here's the deal: If you float, you will be confirmed a witch (and burned of course), but if you sink and drown, we will know that we have made the wrong judgement, and your name will be engraved on a pew somewhere.
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