Monday, October 11, 2004

As Seen On TV On The Radio

I am more thoroughly convinced than ever of the fact that The Faint is collectively the sexiest band alive. After a near brush with death on the streets of Toronto, Curtis, Sue and I were happily present at Lee's Palace to see The Faint along with TV On The Radio and Beep, Beep. Beep, Beep were phenomenal. I have no idea what is going on in Omaha, Nebraska these days. I always pictured fairly flat lands with grain and the like. Now they are spewing out right sexy lads and musical talent galore. As Seen On TV was a surprise because they were BLACK! That's right folks. This is a rarity indeed in the musical world outside of rap, blues, soul, and jazz (i.e. the world of predominately black people music). There sound ranged from a mediocre driving rock to an entrancing ethereal apocalyptic. Can I uses apocalyptic as a noun? I'm gonna. They were all sweating like crazy with the notable exception of the maharishi fellow who I assumed must have had perfect spiritual control over his sweat glands. And then there was The Faint. This was the third time I had seen them and possibly the best performance yet. We were virtually at their feet- the perfect place to admire the writhing. All that and a very attractive asian barmaid to boot. Very enjoyable indeed. That crazy fellow on the streets that got angry with Sue and pushed me needs to stop being mean and paranoid and start enjoying the great bands that play in Toronto. My initial impression was that Toronto was rather like a prostitute- flashy but lacking substance. I may be changing my mind. It's amazing what a little good music can do to invigorate a body and change a point of view. Morrissey plays there tomorrow night. If I had a money tree, or a ticketmaster tree, maybe I could go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen any information on as seen on tv showcase? I just have not had the best results when blog surfing today. Anywho back to my endless search for as seen on tv showcase.

5:50 PM  

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